Day: December 1, 2016

2016 Board of Governors Inductee’s Profiles

By Matt Diano: In the gospel of Matthew, it is written, “The greatest among us will be those who are called to serve (23:11).” The Book of Peter concurred, stating, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms (4:10).” All throughout our sacred book, the message remains….In order to be true brothers or sisters of Christ, we must always place the interests of our fellow man ahead of ourselves.  Never were these lessons better exemplified than in the bodies, souls, and hearts of Jim Graham, Jim Parker, Kevin Magee, Dan Eagle, and John Kelly—all of whom will receive the ultimate earthly recognition and reward for their respective lifetimes of service to Catholic Football on Sunday when they are formally inducted onto the Board of Governors at the Annual Communion Awards Breakfast.  Being enshrined into an

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