2022 NYCHSFL POY Award Winners
Article by Matt Diano “Behold, how good and pleasant it is, when brothers dwell in unity.”— Psalm 133:1 After a two-year absence in which circumstance denied us the opportunity to gather as a flock, the tradition that is the annual NYCHSFL Communion Awards breakfast was formally and/or customarily welcomed back earlier today on the campus of Kellenberg Memorial High School! Coalesced like a band of brothers as the All Mighty intended, for one final morning in the Winter of 2022, the best and brightest of the New York Metropolitan Catholic Football League basked in the glory that they worked so tirelessly to earn! For some, the past four years coming and going in the blink of an eye, there were no rivals in the breaking of bread ritual…The spirit of competition was replaced by inner-peace and the euphoria that accompanies knowing that battles have already been settled and all that