CINDERELLA’S SLIPPER FITS!!!!….CARDINAL HAYES ARISES FROM THE #5 SEED TO SEIZE THE TOP PRIZE!! In what may go down as the game of the year (anywhere on planet Earth), every second and then some was required to determine a victor as the hometown favorites from the Bronx [Cardinal Hayes] were able to hang on for a dramatic 30-29 victory over the second-seeded Gaels of Iona Prep, to earn the Triple-A title and lower the curtain on NYCHSFL Championship Saturday 2023!!! As evenly-matched a collision of two juggernauts as we have seen in quite some time, Hayes would find themselves down 29-23 with 2:23 remaining regulation; but then Rich Belin put on the cape and mask and did what true superheroes do!!! Marching his squad 80-yards down field in just over 80 seconds (1:23 to be precise), the 2.5-year incumbent field general from the Harlem inflicted all of the damage necessary